Infographic Alert: Detailed Stats Around Shopping’s Future

No one is arguing with statistics pointing to the fact that ecommerce will one day overtake other forms of shopping. The growth pace is just too staggering to think differently.

An infographic put together by highlights statistics about how the trend is moving, citing how global ecommerce retail sales will reach $1,321.4 trillion by 2016. This number is a 67% increase from 2011.

Here are some more stats from the graphic:

59% of UK shoppers refuse to wait on line (or in queue) when they shop; 32% would opt to buy online when faced with a queue.
90% of shoppers use their smartphone for pre-shopping tasks.
One in three people prefer social media over telephone customer service.
– By 2010, iTunes had sold more than 25 billion songs.

Check out the full graphic below to see just how telling the stats really are:
The Future of How We Shop - Infographic